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sounds for teaching

Hi everyone!

I'm looking for help in locating recordings. I would like to find CDs that
include examples of:

scales - pythagorean, pentatonic, diatonic and tempered;

pitches - A=373&403, 422 (Handel), 435 (France & Boston, late 19c), 445
(England) and 461 (US, late 19c); 

the relationship of these pitches to the performance of masterworks (i.e. if
Handel considered F sharp major to be a "transcendental" or "visionary" key,
what effect does our playing those pieces in what he would have considered to
be the tonality of G major have on the work?);

fundamental tones and their transients & harmonics;

frequency range of orchestral instruments and their harmonic spectra;

sound intensity;

reverberation in auditoria, bandshells, and ampitheatres;


Many years ago the Bell Laboratories produced a series of LPs that included a
lot of fascinating materials on sound, but I'm sure these are out of print.
It would be especially helpful if I could locate materials like this on CDs
since it is so simple to access just the example you need very rapidly in a
teaching "moment".
So, does anyone know of anything like this? If not, how about producing it
for us? Thanks.


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