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Re: 4th Section Finals Contest (1995) at Wembley

Everyone in the BBC rehearses every piece; decisions are only made on
who will rotate when about 3 weeks before contest. (This also only makes
sense, since people who have rehearsed can pinch hit if something drastic
happens and someone can't make the contest trip.)

I don't understand your point about "wondering who you are playing for."
At contest, the audience mostly IS artists: members of other bands, and
the judges. So we pick the most technically and musically challenging
stuff we can for a 20 minute program, and try to play the pants off of it.

When we do concerts around Columbus and elsewhere in Ohio, and when we play
at conferences like ITG, TUBA, Midwest Band and Orch., International 
Brassfest, we mix in lots of different styles: hymn settings, marches,
test pieces and orch. transcriptions, big-band swing tunes, Ohio State
school songs, to appeal to a broad public. So we program to our audience.
But I suspect I'm still missing your point.

Martin D. Jenkins			mjenkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Music Library Coordinator/		
  Humanities Team LeaderVoice: (513) 873-4983
Wright State University			FAX: (513) 873-2356
  "The true deity is neither male nor female--it encompasses
   and goes beyond both to find a higher, genderless perfection,
   like RuPaul." -- Anthony Lake, The New Yorker

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