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Re[2]: Would you support a Brass Band Newsgroup?

>  Any and all input would be
> >appreciated.
> Why do we need another? This list is one of the few worth reading and seems
> to have avoided the excesses of other lists. You may want to start a list
> just for the NABBA bands but this would be best done by NABBA itself.

This is *definitely* NOT intended to begin a flame war...although a little
activity on the list would be welcome.

Last June when the brass band list was first begun I observed a particularly
provincial attitude among a *very* few "TRUE Brass Banders". (I realize that
my being a Yank does mean *I* am from the provinces =|:-])

However, the "excesses of other lists" could be construed as interest and
participation rather than an attempt to 'horn in' (pardon the term) on the
territory of the elite.

Almost all the posts to the list have been helpful and "inclusive"...and of
interest to those interested in brass bands. However, few posts have tended 
to instruct people at *all* levels of band participation. (I really enjoyed
the recent explanations of the judging and scoring system...Bravo! Also the 
discussions about the arcane 'square performance set-up'...Bravo, again!)

After my having been slightly "burned" (along with a member of a Dutch Fanfare
Band) for my enthusiasm at the inception of the list I have pretty much tended
to just 'lurk' on the list waiting for occasional 'revelations'. There is a
lot of waiting...not for revelations, but for postings.

Why not post what you want, discuss what you think, and just Delete what
does not interest you, rather than opting for inactivity? IMAO (in my arrogant

I certainly praise and applaud Nigel for his open attitudes and for his hard
work in starting and administering the list. He is doing an outstanding job
for us all and I certainly appreciate it.

Now, back to 'lurking', ...perhaps.

With the best of intentions,

___       _	     ____		 Ralph Jones						 
 /_) __  (/ _   /	 / _   _   _  _     El Paso, Texas						   
/ \_(_/\_/_/_)_/ )__   (_/_(_)_/ )_(/_/_)__  rjones@xxxxxxx								    
	  /				  "The R. Jones Trumpet Page"

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