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RE:More 144th British Open - results

Hi all,
I know that I have already aired my views on this contest but I would =
like to make a couple more points. I dare say that there have been a lot =
of discussions along this line going around bands all around the country =
- and probably the world. I do sometimes wonder what everybody would =
think the results were if they hadn't seen which bands were on stage at =
the time. I know people might claim that they aren't influenced by bands =
names but I'm afraid that I'm very sceptical about this. It was( in my =
opinion) always going to be a day for one or two unnamed bands to get in =
the frame. My reason for thinking this is that the piece although by no =
means easy it was not the sort of piece that gave the really top bands =
an advantage i.e. there were no really big exposed solos and exposed =
technical parts, which are usually open to nerves and people who just =
can't play their parts, which anybody in the audience can spot. To me =
this kind of music always points to a result that sometimes seems like a =
toss of the coin, having said that I still enjoyed the piece enormously- =
more even than last year, if for no other reason than the fact that you =
could follow the score a lot easier(and didn't have to pick out which =
choir was playing etc.).

Oh well, got to go and do some work.

P.S. Eric I did think Richard Marshall played quite well but then at one =
point in the piece he went really flat for a few notes.

From: ericdecloe@xxxxxxxxxxx[SMTP:ericdecloe@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 11 September 1996 08:29
To: brass-band@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: 144th British Open - results


I think you might have heard already, and I'm really sorry to have to =
it then, but Imps were 22nd.......

Marple just won because the adjudicators didn't have a winner and Gary =
was the first conductor with the view on the piece the adjudicators were
looking for (as I've been told by some 'insiders'). So it had nothing to =
with the band, only the conductors were judged.... Which will probably =
be a
little relief to the other bands. Dyke were 14th, couldn't believe that
myself. I thought Britannia, Tredegar and BNFL would be the first three, =
random order, didn't like Fairey's performance (but I was probably the =
one in the hall with this opinion), Grimethorpe really messed up, =
Nigel and Richard were brilliant (sop. and principal), even think that
Richard would have deserved to win the soloist price, but I didn't hear
Helen Fox so can't say anything about that. Dyke's was a good =
although Kevin Crockford dominated the entire piece, sounded like a =
with accompinement. YBS didn't impress me, neither did Desford or =
(Howard Snell took it too fast, as usual, I think). Williams had some
beautiful moments but overall didn't convince me either. 
Well, who am I, luckily I don't have to sit in this 'black box'! Till =
now I
only proved myself I don't have a clue!

Anyway, I'm sorry we didn't meet, did look for you but heard you left =
after your performance. Wise thing..... Sorry, just kidding. Do look =
to the Cyberband, be nice to meet all of you then. Only saw Nigel Wears,
Lesly McCormack and Angela Tregaskes. Nametacks wouldn't have been a bad
idea after all!

See you,


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