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I think that Egon was formed partly so that people not in the ISB and even
those in it could be in another band, one which would not take up all of
their time and which they would enjoy being in.  It's not an unheard of
concept, and there is a similar band here in Canada (note similar meaning
not exactly the same).  They got together even though most of them are in
the top Canadian Salvation Army bands because they like to play top-level
music and be in a good band.

Now, as for Egon, and is it an "Orders & Regulations" SA Band?  I don't
know.  Probably as much as a divisional band or even a staff band, for that
matter.  We all know that staff bands and regular corps bands are very
different creatures and each have their own rules and standards which,
while different, doesn't make one or the other less legitimate.

While it's true that the ISB isn't International in its composition, it
could equally be argued that there are few (none?) people in say the
Canadian Staff Band outside of Ontario and yet we don't think to call it
the Ontario Staff Band.  It's just a name to put on a crest.  

And finally, as for who's the premiere band?  I say that you can choose
one.  The dream band hasn't been formed and until it has there are bands
that could be considered the best.  But I'll leave that up to the individual.

That's my $0.02, anyway.  (Lobby for a 'cent' key on the keyboard!)

Erik Pittock

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