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Re: Spousal Approval

Graham Young, trumpets and soprano cornet
Weston Silver band, Symphony Hamilton
Celebration Brass, McMaster Chamber Orchestra
gyoung@xxxxxxxx 905-575-8440

> From: SEMarcus@xxxxxxx
> To: brass-band@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Spousal Approval
> Date: Sunday, July 06, 1997 5:43 AM
> Hello, all!
> This is my first post to the Brass Band List, so your patience is
> appreciated.
> My work schedule appears to have cleared rehearsal night so that I may
> BBb Bass with the newly formed Prairie Brass Band in the suburbs of
>  However, I still face one major obstacle--my wife.
> Don't get me wrong.  I love her dearly.  But she vehemently objects to
> "another night that Daddy's not going to be home."
> I may have one solution.  Although she does not play an instrument, she
is a
> professional singer (soprano).  What works have been written for Brass
> with soprano solo?  (Note the strategy: she may resign to "if you can't
> 'em, join 'em.")
> I've taken other steps to get her enthused (or at least tolerant) of
> Band activity: I took her to an Illinois Brass Band concert; I'm taking
> to the movies (3 guesses which current film, the second 2 guesses don't
> count).
> Certainly others have had to deal with spousal disinterest, disdain,
> disapproval, disgust (heavens, no!) of Brass Band activity.  Are there
> other suggestions of how to deal with this dilemma?
>in digest form, mail a message of 'help' to
> listserver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
There are always other options
1. You could explain to her that Brass bands are harder to come by in North
    than wives. This could cause some distress initially.
2 Find a choir for her to sing in that rehearses the same night as the band
  Have the band and the choir do a joint concert. Make sure that the
schedules of the band and the choir
    never match. 
3 Explain how a new $25,000 home theatre system and a new Porsche
  would be an acceptable substitute and that she will only need 2 part time
jobs to pay for it
  Make sure she has to work on band night and go to band anyway.
  This way you get the band , the system and the Porsche. You may have to
   a BMW if your Bass wont fit in the Porsche's trunk.
4 Quit any other band you may play in. Once you are in a Brass Band there
will be little
  desire to associate with saxophones(my apologies to the list members for
  Adolph Sax's miscalculation) not to mention out of tune flutes.
5 Tell her if you can't go to band you'll just have to practice at home for
three hours on her favourite
  soprano aria.   She will immediately pack you music stand and bass and
hand you the car keys.
6 Start a youth band and put her in charge of it and enroll your kids.
  Make sure they rehearse on band night.
7 There are many many arrangements of operatic arias for cornet that could
be sung.
  Promise her a solo appearance with the band as soon as they are able to
play the accompaniements
  This, of course, could be many years until the band is up to "her
8 Just give her a funny look and say  "not go to band?"
9 Get her to be the librarian of the band. She could also supply coffee and
 (home baked ) for the break. Sweeping up and putting the chairs away is
10 Let her play bass drum . Being a vocalist she may even have a sense or
11 Tell her that you girlfriend in the community orchestra doesn't want you
to join the
brass band either. Suggest they get together and discuss the problem.
Ask them if they could do that on band night then go to the band reheasal
while they 
sort it out.
12 Tell her that once you join a Brass Band you will be come a member of a
that will instanly make make you friends around the world in a way that no
other artistic endeavor does.

Personally I use #8 
 Hope this helps.

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