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RE: James Bond (fwd)

If this film was produced in Hollywood, then it most definitely was NOT
a brassband for a couple of reasons.

First, nobody here in L.A. has even heard of the EXISTENCE of
brassbands!  As weird as that sounds, it's true.  I spent 6 years in
Switzerland and first learned of these wonderful things then (I got to
be in one).  I sent back a couple of CDs to my former teacher, Tommy
Johnson, who has been one of the 'First Call' Studio players and played
in, essentially, every major motion picture produced in Hollywood since
the 60's.  He does the music tracks with the best of the best every day.
He told me that he was so astonished that he passed these CDs around the
studios and NOBODY ELSE had even heard of such things.  Except for my
Switzerland gig, I've spent my entire musical life (so far) in L.A. and
have only met 3 people that have even heard of such bands.

Second, the economics are such that the composer will go over the
musical needs for the entire picture and decide what groups of
instruments are required for the title track, each scene, etc. and score
on that basis.  The contractor will hire the requisite players, book the
studio, etc.  and that's what you'll hear.  For the circus band,
specifically, he'll score for that group of instruments that produces
the typical circus band sound.

Actually, a good friend played with Barnam's circus for a year.  I'll
ask him what the instrumentation was when I see him Friday.

P.S.  I've never seen one of my messages come back to me on this forum.
Are they supposed to?  Maybe I'll mindlessly flame someone and see if
anything comes back - : )


> ----------
> From: Trond Otto Berg[SMTP:trober@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, May 07, 1998 4:06 AM
> To: Brass Band Mailing List
> Subject: James Bond
> Hello
> Last night I saw a old James Bond film form 1983, called "Octopusy".
> Some of the film take part in a circus, and it sounded for me like the
> circus band used was a brass band. (We never saw the band)
> Does anyone on the list know more about this.  Was it a brassband, and
> if it was, does anyone know what brassband it was?  And does anyone
> know
> what marches they where playing.
> --
>   Trond  Otto Berg
>   Principal
>   Stranda Music School, Norway
> --
> njh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For information about this list, including how
> to
> unsubscribe or receive the list in digest form, mail a message of
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