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OFF: Early Wind Instruments

=46inally, I've completed the site "Instruments =E0 Vent
Anciens - Early Wind Instruments."


There are 40 photographs of 18th qnd 19th Century brass
and woodwind instruments, plus eight "before and after"
photographs of a natural horn in the process of being

There are 18 photographs of brass instruments and 22
photographs of woodwind instruments.

Keyed Bugle - August Bauer - 1820
Cornet - B. Schott - 1818
Wooden Flugelhorn - Mahillon - 1870
Keyed Trumpet - Frank Johann Jakob - 1804
Natural Trumpet - Anonyme du 17=E8me
Sackbut - Anonyme du 17=E8me
Omnitonic Horn - Dupont - 1815
Natural Horn - Raoux - 1775
Independent Valve Trombone - Antoine Joseph (Adolphe) Sax
Multibell Trombone - Antoine Joseph (Adolphe) Sax - 1860
Buccine Trombone - Ludwig Embach - 1810
Clavicor - Guichard - 1827
Straight Serpent - Coeffet - 1810
Anaconda Serpent - Anonyme du 19=E8me
Serpent - de Beaudouin - 1830
Russian Bassoon - Andreas Greve - 1803
Bass Ophicleide - C. J. Sax - 1835
Helicon - Stowasser - 1838

Crystal Flute - Laurent - 1805
Colon Flute - Anonyme du 18=E8me
Oboe d'Amore - Bormann - 1808
Baritone Oboe - Triebert - 1810
English horn - Etienne Floth Grundmann - 1815
Clarinet d'Amore - Stengel - 1805
Basset Horn - Strobach - 1810
Square Basset Horn - Anonyme - 1800
Bass Clarinet - Papalini - 1810
Slide Soprano Saxophone - Anonyme - 1900	     YES, SLIDE SAXOPHONE!
Alto Saxophone - Antoine Joseph (Adolphe) Sax - 1861
Tenor Saxophone - Antoine Joseph (Adolphe) Sax - 1855
Baritone Saxophone - Antoine Joseph (Adolphe) Sax  1866
Bass Saxophone - Selmer - 1930
Contrabass Saxophone - Buffet - 1940
Saxophone - Anonyme - 1861
Octavin - J. G. Doring - 1875
Sarrusophone - Boosey - 1891
Rackett - Charles Bizey - 1720
Tartold - Anonyme du  18=E8me
Bassoon - J. C. Blume - 1874
Contrabassoon - Alfred Morton - 1825

 ___       _	  ____		     Ralph Jones
  /_) __  (/ _   /	/ _   _   _  _     El Paso, Texas
 / \_(_/\_/_/_)_/ )__  (_/_(_)_/ )_(/_/_)__  rjones@xxxxxxx
	   /				 "The R. Jones Trumpet Page"

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