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Re: Band Politics - one final thought

Been there, done that Alistair.

When I left my last band to come to my current band I was really worried
about what my friends from band would say, or what they would think of
me.  The two bands are in different grades so there was no worries about
competing against each other, but it was more the fact that a lot of
these people I had grown up with and were almost life-long friends.

So the people that meant the most to me, I went around to their place
and told them in person that I was quitting, rather than they hear it at
a committee meeting or band one night as a surprise.  They completely
understood my need to have a challenge elsewhere.  At least my friends
did.  Sure, there were some that went down the whole "traitor" line, but
as those people didn't really mean a lot to me, I ignored it.

I think I've proven those ones wrong anyway, as whenever my last band
has needed help, or a stand-in to replace another horn, or any desperate
cries for assistance, I've always still been there for them.

But hey, that's the fun world of banding huh???
The knockers will knock, no matter what.


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