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Visual Warings!!

Dear all,

    Knowing what a helpful bunch you all are and, seeing as we all seem
     to be doing nothing but bickering all the time lately about people
     leaving and being forced out of bands etc, I thought I would ask if
     anyone can help with the unusual request below to take your minds
     off of the latest hot topics.

     Incidentally, I think that there are a couple of arguments about
     the women in bands thing. Mainly Monkey is prob' right about the
     fact that there are 5 bands in the country that don't accept women
     and 500+(or however many) that do, but why if 500+ accept women then
should five
     others think that they are right?!!! Secondly if you choose to join
     a band you, don't go in with your eyes shut so you know what to
     expect, when you're in a mixed band you have no right what-so-ever
     to spread ill feeling about women in the band.  Maybe a bunch of
     women who are good players should get together for the marches!!!

     Enough of that, any helpful suggestions about the e-mail I received
     below would be nice,

     Martin Papworth.
     martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      martin.papworth@xxxxxxxxxxx

______________________________ Forward Header
Author:  FOXT at NWLPO001
Date:    27/04/1999 10:16

     We are currently updating our information sheets on xxx pensions.
     These are themed around orchestras, musical instruments, 'knowing the

     Does anyone know if there is a musical symbol for Care, or Attention,
     or Warning - something along those lines?

     I'm looking for the musical equivalent of an exclamation mark in a red
     warning triangle.  Does one exist?

     Any help gratefully received.


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