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Re: We acheived - not too good!

Clint Miller asked what the characteristics of Theakston's Old Peculiar were!
Maybe different people take different pleasures from the sacred brew.

Some say it makes them fall down to the ground quicker (obviously not 
musicians - who as we know never drink beyond their capabilities).
Some say it gives them a feeling of well-being (this depends on the quantity 
consumed - as the feeling may pass several hours later as you sit on the 
toilet awaiting nature's scolding wrath)

I think it is best appreciated after playing an afternoon's concert then 
competing in an entertainment contest (held in one of the most acoustic 
places on God's Earth - Ripon Cathedral) then rushing to the pub gasping for 
liquid refreshment knowing that at last an alcoholic beverage can pass 
through the lips without the Band Conductor getting upset.

As I mentioned in my original submission - most of us had a great day out - 
long may this particular contest live on.

This may not answer your question - but the only way to truly have knowledge 
of something is to try a little sometime if you can.

All the best 


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