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Free Concerts! (was: Re: Introduction from North Devon)

John Croker said:
> I am the Conductor of Bideford Town Band in North Devon. If anybody is on
> holiday and wishes to join us they are very welcome.

Would you be able to take about 30 of us? (I wouldn't if I were you!)

The University of Warwick Brass Band will be in the South West on tour this
week, as per the last two years. We're giving three concerts in all as

1. Tuesday 6th, 8pm, Cofton Country Park in Dawlish, near Exeter (in the bar
if its raining).

2. Wednesday 7th, 5pm, Waterbay Park, Newquay (again in the bar ;-)

3. Thursday 8th, 7:30pm, Newlyn Trinity Chapel, Chapel Road, Newlyn,
Penzance (quite definitely NOT in the bar, but just down the road from

They're all free (I think), although you might get stung for a collection at
the last. The programmes will generally consist of the sort of music you
might find entertaining if you habitually visited any of the above venues,
although we are going to be playing the odd test piece (eg Purcell
Variations) and a special 'Eclipse' arrangement of the Floral Dance ;-)

What's more, there's Karaoke at the 1st venue on Monday night, so sorry
John, we'll be otherwise engaged.

Anyone who fancies popping along for a blow, or if you fancy a game of
footie, or have some decent rude songs that we don't already know, give me a
ring and I'll give you some directions. In addition, we are still short one
cornet player, so if there are any youngish ones out there who fancy camping
with a bunch of students for a week, do let me know.

This is the last time we'll be touring the area, I'm afraid, as we're off to
Northern Europe next year on a 'Millenium Tour'.

Hope to see some of you next week!


Colin McDonald (mac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Mobile:07977203137)
Musical Director, The University of Warwick Brass Band
(Mathematicians - students - none....)


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