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UK Treasure Island (was Notation Editors)

I totally agree with Tom (below).  Thats why son Mike is looking at
Mozart as the budget possibility and Capella 2000 as a mid-range
solution.  SIbelius are obviously going for a niche market that Im not
in, with their pricing being SO way out of line with anything else in
the UK.  People must buy it at that price else they wouldnt do it.

Similarly, Ford (and others but they are one of the worst) have managed
to destroy much consumer confidence IMO in buying their product new
because of this approach to "Treasure Island" which is apparently the
motoring exec's name for the UK. Ask any fool who bought a Ford new what
his residuals are like.  I am that fool.

Are we all mugs?  No I dont think so.  Thats why Sibelius is not on my
purchasing radar.  I dont care how good it is, why does Johnny Foreigner
get to pay (a lot) less than me for a Brit product that has credible
competition?  Im fed up with it and perhaps we ought to compile a list
of "offenders" and boycott them.  The Arab Nations had a government
agency whose sole job was to ensure all products sold in the Middle East
had little or no Zionist involvement.  They called it the Israeli
Boycott Office and it kept Coca Cola, Kodak and Ford out for quite some
years.  I know because I lived there and drank Pepsi, snapped Fuji and
drove GM.

A bit draconian, but "come the glorious day" I know who I'd put up
against the wall first...  Those who charge Brits more for their
indigenous products than they do R.O.W.

<who's a fierce pussy when he's on the stairs then?>

Just a thought, are Besson more expensive (for example) in the US than
the UK?  If yes, then that accounts for the shipping. If no, see

Steve Larwood, Euphonium
Melbourne Town Band


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