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Re: British Open 1999

I would agree with you about Foden's performance.  I wonder if they had got
a later draw would they have won, if was definitely a magical performance.
It makes you wonder about the unfairness of long competitions on teh bands
drawn earlier.  Either shorter test pieces or less bands?

The competition was extremely long, I don't know how the adjudicators coped.

And because of that, I think anyone attending the concert the next day was
under pressure, I certainly would of preferred more lighter music, as one of
my fellow travellers said, hse was all "brassed out" LOL.

One other point, what did people think of the sop with Black Dyke, she was
put out at the front of the stage for the fanfare at the start while the
rest stayed at the back.  I wonder if this was for effect or was it because
she was too weak.  All I can say is that I still couldn't hear her when she
was standing out front.

Kevin Crocford played well with Faireys, and YBS - well it created tingles
up and down my spine when they played.  I still think Foden's was a more
musical performance.  But that's competition for you.

Looking forward to the Nationals. btw, what is the line up for that now, and
is there any Gala Concert this year?


>All that I'll say on the result is that the top 5 were very close, however
>I was surprised that Fodens weren't placed higher. Their are more qualified
>people than we to comment on the result than I, so let the debate begin!!
>Just a couple of other quick thoughts. Was it anticipated that the contest
>would take 10 hours, and the mystery of the day, what happened to Desford
>at the end of their presentation?
>Bye for now,
>Edward Dixon.
>from this list, send a plain text mail to listserver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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