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Re: Marches + more twaddle

In message <2CFC47A1175@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, David Lancaster
<> writes
>Sonata form was only defined and classified after 
>Beethoven's death, so he can hardly have 'taken it' - it 
>was a common understanding that this was how first 
>movements were put together, 

This seems to me to be a definition - even if it is informal (which is
the best way to have it - defining music exactly hinders originality, as
it emphasises one way in the composer's mind to the exclusion of

>in the same way that marches have 
>developed a characteristic shape.  But the best writers always break 
>the mould: consider The Cossack, Black Knight (both Rimmer), Knight 
>Templar and Mephistopheles - I've deliberately chosen well known ones 
>- and I'm sure that you'll agree that they hardly conform to your 
>definition of 'a string of unrelated tunes'.  They're so much more 
>than that!

I can only recall Knight Templar with any accuracy at the moment, and
yes it does have thematic linkages, and the various sections complement
each other nicely, making a well rounded piece, with a whole greater
than the sum of it's parts. Marches like these were one of the earliest
musical things that really inspired me. But there's so much rubbish
about! The marches I was originally protesting about encouraging people
to write were marches intended for marching to, which are (as I
explained in previous postings) a completely different kettle of fish.
(Odd expression, that - where does it come from?)

David Taylor


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