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Re: Dilemma (instruments)

Ref.Mark's appeal re instruments I would be grateful if any band officials
could advise me on the legal position. In my experience when a band dies,
no-one wants to look after them and they fall into the hands of a local
authority....then without any public meeting are given to a school band.
Eventually the school band packs in through lack of interest...and valuable
instruments "disappear" into attics.   Decades later they are found in
secondhand shops.   All interest in band music has by then disappeared.
This is happening in my own town...where the band finished 10 years
ago....then three years  ago was started up again as a youth band
locally...then moved to join another band.   Now it seems there are problems
and this youngsters band want to pack it in with the "suggestion" that the
instruments are "donated" to this band in another town.  Now comes the
dilemma.  Who owns the instruments ?  As an ex-member and secretary the
local authority have approached me and want to know if
this would be legal and want my advice.   Local folk in my town I have asked
seem annoyed that this should happen as it means they will never have a town
band again...a band that played a major role in a seaside resort.   But
no-one is willing to take possession of the instruments.....a number of
which have been stolen from the custody of the local authority.   Can anyone
band official advise me as to who actually "owns" a band's instruments when
they have been bought through public subscription, grants from the local
authority, etc. ?   My own idea would be to transfer them to a local college
(if they agreed) where classes in brass could hopefully be started . They
have a new 2.5 music centre.  Maybe this would revive interest in the
scores of people who have had lessons in local schools in the past 25
years....some might have their own cornets. etc.  Personally I would love to
be able to go somewhere for tuition ...even after 50 years in the game.  I
hope someone with experience in this serious subject can offer advice.
Thanks.  David Williams.


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