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Re: Coloured shirts and uniforms at contests

As a SABBA executive member, SABBA wouldn't dream of telling a band how to 
dress. Indeed I remember Croy Parish band used to regularly dress in coloured 
shirts for contests some years ago. I personally didn't like it,  but so what.

Re Acid Brass, we asked Jeremy Deller and Rodney Newton about wearing casual 
gear to perform this and they were dead against it. The clash between the 
'Acid' and 'Brass Band' cultures is apparently what the concept is about. 
Take it or leave it, but  there it is.

I have mixed feelings on the uniforms question. Undoubtedly well tailored 
uniforms look smart,  and much better  on stage than casual clothing, in most 
contexts. On the other hand, every time I am in a curry house or hotel I see 
waiters and porters looking like bandsmen, or is it that bandsmen look like 
waiters and porters? I wonder if the uniform business leads to us not being 
taken seriously (a la Brassed Off)? We are almost in the 21st century, yet we 
still dress much as we did in the 19th. 

I think the answer is that bands should wear what they feel comfortable with, 
but take into account the occasion, the audience, the sponsor's views and 
anything else they think is relevant. What does everyone else think?

Colin McHardy
Timpani, Whitburn  


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