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Re: Librarians-I'm in finally

Okay here's a librarian story from many years back.

My dad was a dedicated bass man in one of the bands I played in when I was
just starting out.  He was also the band librarian and took his job very
very seriously (as all band librarians do).  Although my mum was getting
pretty peeved at all the time he'd spend at the bandroom.

One particular day, instead of sorting music down at the bandroom, he
decided to bring it home.  Mum came home and was greeted with piles of
music, stacked all down the passage way, through the loungeroom, into the
kitchen, in fact from memory, not much of the house was unaffected by music.
There were sheets of music everywhere!  If she'd told him once about
spending all this time on sorting music, she'd told him a hundred times...

So in one foul sweep, she picked up a stack of music and threw it out the
window, into the wind mind you, blowing music everywhere.   I can still
remember my dad running all over the neighbourhood finding pieces of music
in backyards, in trees, everywhere.

At least we can laugh about it now.

Oh, and hope no one from one of my old bands is on the list reading this,



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