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Big Chap/BL Music.

Ernie very relieved...but asks "is t'dole?"  Seriously need advice urgently
! Our band has "major engagement" next Wednesday giving concert for 50 of
elderly folks'association...and we have both been promised tea and biscuits
if we "play nice music".  But in letter hon.sec.warns they  might get
"fidgety (and maybe violent) if we play too long and boringly.  I know what
she means as I have blood stains on my part of the "Irish Washerwoman"
(honest).  Now pal and I are getting fed-up playing La Paloma, O Sole Mio,
Greensleeves...etc. and these new "pieces" sound very nice...but what is BL
?  I think I have heard that Contest Music thing,,,and would love to play
that nice one from the last open but we also have no dr...percussion/person.
My wife used to play tambourine in Sally Ann, but she has promised to drive
getaway car, and keep engine running on this occasion.   Wondering if any of
the top bands would be willing to lend us the parts of BL, Contest music, or
even Spectrum for us to have a go.   Another big problem (this week-end) we
are playing at big service in local parish church and vicar is making us
play  Lobe Den Herren IN FOUR FLATS !!  Its easier for mate Fred but I have
to play low Ds with ALL valves.   So I have written fingering in red ink.
Worse still, our wives have stopped us going to the pub Saturday night as
notes are blurred next morning. And big demonstration planned in village.
Why do we do this we ask....when we could just enjoy going to lovely
contests like everyone else.   We even volunteered to go to the Oscars in
Hollywood in place of Dyke, who turned the job down because of prior
engagement.   We are still waiting for a reply !  Must go now have to  file
flugel valves down a bit as still sticking.   P.S.  Any chance of Ernie
Cartwright helping us out next week ?   Or even Jim Shepherd, Alan
Morrison,Phillip McCann, etc. would be a big help to Fred on top line.
Best regards.   David (only little chap !).


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