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Re: Money in banding (was Re: Return of Graeme McCulloch)

Perhaps a slight rewriting of history to suit the argument?

Factory and Mill Owners stared bands from a paternalistic idea of giving
their workers something to do AFTER work. It was only later that in an
affluent period, and where it was felt the band could give an edge to the
factory site or industry, did the retaining of good players commence.

I live in the south of England where this aspect has never really been in the
forefront (unless you care to put Morris Motors at Oxford in the south of the

I have sat back and read the rather sad displays to justify one view or
another. Personally I don't care so long as those concerned are honest. If
you do enjoy a financial reward for doing a job then fine but for goodness
sake be honest enough to say so and be proud of it. If you truly gain no
reward and, indeed, pay for the privilege that too, is fine. What there
cannot be is a half way house because why should you pay subscriptions to be
able to claim "expenses"? Or is it the case that lesser players pay to
support supposed better players? If that is the case then IMO that really
stinks for reasons that should be obvious.

My other concern is that if it is 'boot money', to coin the old amateur
football term, then that will encourage dishonesty.  If there are such
earnings do the bands, and the players, declare this on their tax returns?

If we cannot be honest with ourselves what credibility can we expect to have
from the broader music community?

Ted Howard


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