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Re: Rehearsal (at the contest venue)

Why shouldn't bands who have the money to spend on hiring the halls prior to
a contest be able to do so?  I'm not, by the way convinced of the benefits
of this, but if at the very least it helps their players feel more confident
on the day, then I suppose it's in their best interests.

As far as "It gives more advantage to well off bands and puts the strugglers
more on the out." - This is the real world.  What next, tell Y.B.S. that
they can't use the substantial funds they have available to pay a number of
their "superstars" large amounts because it's not fair on the other bands?

To return to the subject - good luck to bands who are willing to show the
innitiative in doing this.  I don't think it will ever take on due to the
costs involved, but for crucial contests (i.e. deciding whether a band
should be promoted/relegated) - why not?


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