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RE: David vs Goliath

YOU get off YOUR high horse. You don't have the right to preach to people
(namely me) just because you have a degree (It means nothing!).
Also, I can't really say that i've experienced the pain of banding.

>4) You talk about 'the inner feeling'. Whilst I'm not an expert, I did a
>degree in psychology for three years where folks endlessly pontificated
>about the inner feeling to no avail. There's nothing better than just
>getting on with life and accepting the cr** than comes with it.

I agree, in some situations it is better to just get on with it.  However,
when I play in brass bands I don't want to "just get on with it" and I
certainly don't regard it as  that comes with life.
I enjoy the vast majority of practices, whatever music we play because I
like playing the cornet - simple as that.

>5) The band we play for remains firmly rooted in a village without any
>sponsorship, even though we gratefully receive players from the
>surrounding region, and indeed some players aspire to greater things
>Manchester way but thankfully and honourably choose to stay
>6) On our one day off from band in eight days (it's not only the area,
>but a  big concert coming up), we've had to go on a team building
>session with work (incestuous or what that several members of the band
>work together) and you don't appreciate how many spell checks we've gone
>through to write this.
>So stop whingeing, everyone's in the same shitty boat, and if you still
>have a problem go and play dominoes down the local (the same local we
>sink several pints in after most rehearsals).

>Whinging?  Piss off.  I love banding and would never leave.  It sounds to
>me like you have more of a problem with banding than me, and if you do
>think of it as a "shitty boat" then I suggest that YOU go and play
I appreciate that you are drunk but I don't think you quite got the jist of
what I was saying, maybe I didn't word it properly (quite likely).  I didn't
want to provoke a reaction like yours, I was merely voicing what was going
on in my head and asking if anyone felt the same.  No more and no less.

>>P.S.  If I had one night off in eight I certainly wouldn't spend it
>>writing e-mails to people I haven't met.
>P.P.S  Sorry if this letter is a bit angry but I never meant to offend
>anyone and didn't really expect a response like the one you gave.

>Dave (BOSS) Hogg
>Percussionist, Freckleton Band
>Love and kisses
>Fiona (I'm a bonny Scottish lass) Sturrock
>Horn, Freckleton Band
>(PS what a superb boss Dave is to me at work, despite how much I
>from this list, send a plain text mail to listserver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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