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Re: South York's Police disqualification upheld

Monkey wrote.......

>When are secretary's going to realise the importance of double checking
>these things? It would save a lot of people a lot of heartache.

Most secretaries do!  The six weeks before the area contest are amongst the
most stressful in my year.  You check, check and check again.  You might
have a late registration to do - so you end up on first name terms with the
blokes at the registry, you know their phone and fax numbers by heart, and
the path between your house and the post office starts to wear out.

If you are really lucky you start having dreams about it (you know, get to
the venue,  players all registered with other bands, photos so
unrecognisable they are not believed, find you have no uniform, have to go
on stage in your undies, no music or wrong music and then you don't
understand what the dots mean anyway.....)  Well OK, maybe not but you get
the drift.

I think the decision should stand, but nevertheless, I have every sympathy
with the poor secretary that is probably now getting half the band giving
him/her their understanding and forgiveness and the other half the cold

Incidentally, the registry is now suggesting that you put a stamped
addressed postcard in with applications, so they can date stamp and return
them the same day they receive them.  Saves interrupting them with phone
calls when they are busy enough anyway.  I think that's a brilliant idea.
We should do it with contest entries as well.  Any contest organisers out
there agree?



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