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Re: does appearence matter (really?) (fwd)

In message <F81r9FFf70DQLGJZGT900003e92@xxxxxxxxxxx>, gemma gould
<gemmagould@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes
>hi guys and gals
>in my practicing to be a student in september i have taken up a few sacred
>rituals e.g drinking,  lazing about ,etc and i have changed my appearence,
>now as i am going to be doing a music degree in huddersfield i will
>obviously be looking for a 1st /champ band to play with BUT i am wondering
>whether having strange coloured hair (purple and pink)may affect my chances
>i know this may seem like a silly question but i know most bands emphasise
>on being smartly turned out for concerts etc
>so does anyone out there have any comments (no sarcastic comments please i
>am actually really worried about this and may have to resort to wearing a
>wig or summat )
>lil jem

Sorry I'm a bit late on this, as I've been on holiday, but I really do
feel entitled to a little comment as the (now ex) owner of a rather
controversial (in some eyes) set of freeform dreadlocks - I agree
wholeheartedly with your central point, but must point out that many
people are simply intolerant of individuality. I played several years
ago in a rather good youth band when I was just starting to grow them
who would accept no compromise - they had to be washed and combed out
twice at no inconsiderable inconvenience and irritation to myself,
before, fed up, I left. You'll have to put up with a lot of good-natured
ribbing - and some not so kindly meant also, but, if you're a reasonably
sociable person, this shouldn't be too much of a problem. In the last
three years, I've done my official brass band playing with the
University of Warwick band, who've had a great atmosphere, and have had
absolutely no problem with my hairstyle, for which I'm profoundly
grateful - it's really quite unpleasant to be treated badly because of
some aspect of your personal style. (Thanks, Mac and everyone else, and
see you at the RAH!)

So, in summary, while your personal style is (theoretically) entirely
your choice, you may find that doors are simply closed to you due to
other people's narrow-mindedness.

Dave Taylor (scary hair no more)

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