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Hey friends of the Tasteebros,

    We have a MAJOR change to report to our fans. We changed almost
everything about our page.  Check out the new pictures, the new CD, the
new stories, the 100 new tips, and the NEW BOOK!!!!!   You got it...the
Tasteebros book.  It's 85 pages, and 20+ are devoted to breathing
correctly with compression and making the air do all the work to make
playing a LOT easier. (Check out the page for more information)!!!!  Now,
back to the CD......We started recording our 4th CD and got pretty bored.
  We got 1/2 the way through it and didn't want to do anymore.     So, we
decided to make some calls to see if we could get some help.  The CD
features 19 friends from all over the country(see below).  They are some
of the world's greatest players and have been heard playing and touring
with artists we all recognize and love from disco to country to jazz to
funk to soul to big band.
All of our guests have recorded with these artists and have done
extensive touring.
  A few of them actual tour representing themselves only. There are 9
artists,  plus a lot more!   They all played for free, so we don't want
to use their names.   The Tasteebros still play 1/2 the disc, we just
invited our friends to play  to change the pace.

When we ran out of L.A. people to call,  we made some calls to N.Y and
around the country.  We had these people play on the answering machine
and we recorded it to the 4-track.   It is CRAZY!!!  There are 9 maynard
lead players/Lead subs on it!  It has some of the highest stuff we have
ever heard(including C4)!!    We tried getting Paul Cacia, but he backed
out and  blew us off on  the day of the scheduled recording due to stress
or something.  We were going to have him do 'Itsy, Bitsy Spider'.  But,
he appreciated our 'sense of humor' and he called TasteebroII  'babe'.
Anyway, this might be our last cd.  It just doesn't get better than
this!!! This CD represents the best trumpet players around.   We had the
people that called in play anything they long as it was
really high.  So, we got someone playing  triple A's, someone doing a 5
octave gliss, a few people playing really great jazz, classical
etudes(8va, of course), play-alongs, the National Anthem,  country,
gangster rap, steel drums,  etc.    We are really glad that our guests
were willing to take time out to call or record.    1/2 of the guests
were in L.A..  The Tasteebros did their thing, but we needed some help.
We even broke out the Harmon mutes again.    People actually wanted to be
a part of our CD, and that was cool!  So, check out the new page( )!!!!  Don't forget to sign the guestbook!




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