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Re: Owning instruments


Aren't Trombones cheaper than cornets? Straight tenor
is relatively inexpensive, and you'll get a Conn 88h
for roughly the same price as a good cornet. I my
experience trombone players tend to own their own,
partly because they also tend to get gigs in jazz
bands, orchestras etc. However, I do know a few cornet
players with their own trumpets, for similar reasons.

On the subject of looking after instruments, in our
band we sign for our instruments. It's a legally
binding form that states if the instrument is damaged
in any way, no matter how slightly, you will be held
liable for up to and beyond the cost of a new one. In
the 4(?) years its been in place, there have been no
seized slides,valve caps, no dents or damage. We went
from going to a repair man every few weeks to once
every few years. Realistically, only in the case of
pure stupidity and carelessness of epic proportions
would we fine anyone any amount, but if you have kids
in the band, try sending that home to parents, and
then see how well the instrument is looked after;-)


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