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New Grading System

Talk of a new grading system has fuelled me with a few ideas.
Why not a grading system similar to the welsh, where every association
in an area, hold a grading contest (most hold an association contest)
where each band has to appear in at least three contests to count as a
total for that year (not one over 3 years).
If you had one bad result and your did more than three contests, you
could drop your worst result giving you more chance to put right the now
single contest that keeps you in that section for three years.
You could make one own choice, one entertainment, or any combination.
This I feel, would give you a more consistent result over the year
(although not guaranteed!)
It would also ensure that the bands in form, get the result it
deserves,likewise the bands not fit to be in that section.
More revenues would be gained by each association.Bandsmen would see
more of each other, benefiting the local businesses (pubs & the like!)
You would hear more of the top section bands ( which I suspect no one
hears enough of in the lower sections).
I suspect many top section bands would say they couldn't commit to such
an idea, but it could be phased in, say two counting next year,three the
year after that.

Food for thought.

Sid ( Kevin Steward for those who dont know me!)

M.D. Ratby Co-op Band


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