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Colin Thomas


Rosslyn House

370 Bloomfield Road


01225 832 041


0776 125 4231 (mobile as a last resort)

22nd.August 2005.

Dear Friend,

I write my usual summer letter to remind folks of our autumn activities,
and look ahead to 2006 and beyond.

Firstly, Ruth Moore has mentioned to me that a particular CD has much
impressed her, and I share with you the details.  It is the Arban
Collection, with Russell Gray playing Arban cornet solos on the actual
instrument owned by J B Arban in 1866.  The Fodens Richardsons Band,
conducted by Dr Roy Newsome and Frank Renton, accompanies him; number
SFZ 114 Egon.  I have enjoyed this CD for some months; it is good

Our next meeting is Saturday 1st.October, at The Wycliffe Centre,
Horsleys Green, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP14 3XL 01494 682 266    Horsleys Green is just off the London Road Oxford
Road A40 and lies between Stokenchurch (2miles) and High Wycombe (6
miles).  It is most easily accessed from both the north and south by
leaving the M40 at junction 5, proceed through Stokenchurch towards High
Wycombe on the A40.  At Studley Green turn right to Horsleys Green and
the Centre is a few hundred yards on the left. If anyone needs a map or
further details please let me know.  We shall be using the large Carey
Meeting Room as before, right beside a large car park.  Coffee and
biscuits will be available on arrival and at lunchtime, but please bring
your own sandwiches.  The usual format will be gathering at 10.30am for
a start with devotions at 11am followed by playing.  Major John Martin
of the Salvation Army will lead both our devotions and music.  We shall
be most grateful for John=92s leadership and we look forward to meeting
him.  The afternoon will close at say 4.30pm.

We try to have our October meeting one week prior to the London Band
weekend, but again this year we are obliged to be two weeks before our
London engagement in order that the Wycliffe Centre can accommodate us.
It is good that Major John will be taking us at the Methodist
Westminster Central Hall service, which starts at 11am.  However, we
like to meet at 9am for as full a rehearsal as possible. It is
appreciated that for some, travelling will mean a little later arrival.

It is always helpful for me to know who will be with us whenever we
meet, and this is particularly important for the Westminster Central
Hall service, to ensure that we have a reasonably balanced band.

Thus, I would appreciate you letting me know if you are able to come in
October and on which dates.  Having said that I shall be away from
30th.August and most of September, so if you don=92t catch me before I
depart, perhaps you would contact Quentin Arnold at  Wedgwood Cottage,
Wansford, Peterborough, PE8 6JD,  Quentin.Arnold@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 or Trevor Austin at 6 Boyne House, 9 Grove Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks
HP9 1UR 01494 674692, Trevor.Austin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When we meet at The Wycliffe Centre I would welcome your views on how we
celebrate our 20th. Anniversary.  The first meeting inspired by Barbara
Butler was   on the 26th. March 1988. Suggestions are varied:

1.       Residential weekend again at King=92s Park Northampton.

2.       A lunch or dinner at some convenient location.

3.       A meeting such as we plan for The  Wycliffe Centre, but
followed in the evening by presenting a Celebration Concert reasonably

4.       Have a meal together and then attend a =93posh=94 concert
somewhere for entertainment.

5.       Play for a Sunday Morning church service, and have a lunch
together, combining families and friends, plus say older friends no
longer playing but still interested.  The music could be straightforward
and from our repertoire already used, so that a pre-service rehearsal
would be sufficient.  Such could provide a pleasant reunion occasion.

6.       As above, but stay until early teatime 4pm. Thereby extending
the fellowship and still allow home travelling time.

7.       Other ideas ? ? ?

Next of course is the choice of dates, and whether we celebrate twenty
years, or twenty-one.  The latter nowadays does not seem to have the
same special touch as years ago.  We could have another residential time
together in say April 2007, on the lines that ideally we aim for a
residential date every other year.  We could have a reunion as in 5
above, say April 2008, our twentieth anniversary.   Alternatively, we
could defer the away weekend until 2008.

Looking to next year 2006, I wish to book now for April and October
venues.  Are we happy with Wycliffe, or do we look elsewhere?  I mention
that whilst King=92s Park was fine for the weekend and all was well
financially, a one-day booking there is considerably more expensive than
Wycliffe=92s =A350.  Suggested dates for 2006 would be Saturday 8, or 29
April.  Easter Saturday is the 15th April.  The London band weekend date
I need to check, but it is likely to be the 14th. October. Ideally we
should meet on Saturday 7th. October, with the Methodist Westminster
Central Hall Service on Sunday 15th. October.

I shall appreciate it if those of you receiving this letter by e-mail
would kindly send me a brief confirmation of receipt, because it is
difficult to be sure that I have kept up with any change of e-mail
addresses, and some folk seem to change fairly frequently.

If you are unable to come to the Wycliffe Centre, it would be good to
know your views on the reunion for our anniversary, the dates and
desirable location.

Finally, I hope you are all enjoying your music this summer.

Every Blessing

Yours sincerely

Mike Priscott

Secretary and Treasurer



Colin Thomas
5 The Crofts
Little Paxton
PE19 6PG
(T) 01480 394552
(M) 07766215963
(E) collin.thomas@xxxxxxxxxxx


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