NJH MusicCycle of Fifths

Cycle of Fifths Webring

NEWS: 14/11/02: The webring system is now up and running, though some people are still confused by the navigation bar. Unfortunately that is out of my hands, but I have tried to put together a layman's guide. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

NEWS: 19/10/01: Webring is being moved back from Yahoo! to Webring. Whilst it may be that members' sites will be automatically transferred, it is best to assume that if you don't do it that your site will be lost from the ring. If you need any help please contact me, but it is up to you to transfer your account I can't do it for you.

NEWS 5/3/01: Yahoo! webring support is limping along, however sites may still be removed where the Navigation Bar is not easy to find, either because it uses frames (tut tut) or the bar is on a different page from the one registered.

NEWS 1/3/01: Yahoo! webring support seems to be completely broken. Today it has removed some 60 sites off the ring and any attempts to change the ring bring up a message inviting me to move the ring to Yahoo(!!)

The Cycle of Fifths Webring is a group of bands, singers, composers and individuals from across the world. The group links together many different genre who's common aim is to produce serious music as a hobby.

According to Yahoo!, a webring allows you to:

Link to other web sites like yours and...

Joining the Webring

To become a member, visit: http://G.webring.com/wrman?ring=communitymusic&addsite. If your site is suitable you will be added to the list on a provisional basis. During that time you should add the navigation bar (see below) to your front page.

To change any of your account details, visit http://g.webring.com/hub?ring=communitymusic.

I'm thinking about putting a FAQ on this page. If you have any suggestions, drop me a line.

Don't forget to keep your details correct on your entry in the ring. This means both your URL and the contact e-mail address. If either are wrong your entry may be suspended and/or deleted, and if your e-mail address is no longer correct I won't be able to tell you!

Please allow 14 days for your application to be processed after you have added a navigation bar to your site.

The Navigation Bar

This section is both for newcomers and existing members, especially those who joined before August 2000.

Every site in the Ring must prominently display a list of all the rings that they are in. This list is a list of so called navigation bars. They are automatically generated by a line of JavaScript that you obtain by visiting http://dir.webring.yahoo.com/mbr?p=mr. The code is unique to each site, but only appears once no matter how many rings the site is in.

The code looks like:

<script language=javascript src="http://ss.webring.yahoo.com/navbar?f=j&y=web_id&u=999"> </script>

If all is well you will see something like this appear on your site

Not yet member

After you are accepted you should see the following full banner appear automatically:

After you've added the new code, don't forget to remove your old Yahoo code if you have any.

Older members must migrate your Cycle of Fifths account to Webring.


How many times have you heard that frames are to be avoided? Well I have another reason for you. One of the big problems with frames is that search engines are confused by them. The Navigation Bar checker also gets confused by frames, so it tends to think that you don't have a working navigation bar since it's it a frame that it doesn't see; and if it can't see a working navigation bar it will suspend you.