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RE: Trumpet/Cornet Mouthpiece Sizes

Something to be wary of when you play both trumpet and cornet is to try and
use as similar a rim as possible. Seeing it is the rim of the mouthpiece
that has the contact with the lips, why confuse, or constrain the lip
muscles that are trained to work with one mouthpiece by using a bigger rim
on a difference instrument?
A 7C mouthpiece can be a constraint to an intermediate player as you are as
it has a small bore and you can't get a particularly big sound on it unless
you're Alan Whitehead.
(Alan was principal trumpet at the CBSO for a long time, and used to swear
by them. On asking him why, the answer was invariably "Aye lad, that's what
came in't box!"  Legend has it that when his colleagues encouraged him to
buy a new mouthpiece, he went to a local dealer and bought another 7C! What
a guy!)

A 3C (for trumpet) is probably a good idea, Paul,  (Normans are usually a
good bet for getting hold of standard "gob-irons" pretty quickly) but don't
forget to consider what cornet mouthpiece you use. Is the rim of your cornet
mouthpiece a lot fatter than that of the 3C? Chances are it probably is, and
you should seriously think about getting a similarly-rimmed cornet
mouthpiece in spite of the expense. Consider a Dennis Wick 3B, or even a 2B,
which has a thinner rim, and a slightly deeper cup.

This principal is well respected amongst the brass playing fraternities. A
few years ago Maurice Andr endorsed the Stomvi DIY-Gob-iron set which
contained the backbore / throat of a cornet and trumpet mouthpiece, 7 rims
(that fitted both) and one rim! Very useful, until you end up doing a
10-piece gig where you have to switch between Bb trumpet, Piccolo trumpet
flugelhorn etc within 20 minutes.... You get the picture!

The trick is to find the right combination of different cornet / trumpet
mouthpieces that works for you. Mail me off-list if you want any more
"specific" advice.....

Best of luck,

Steve Bailey


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